About Me
Hello my name is Alejandro, I am a CS graduate from the University of San Francisco. I am currently searching for a full-time position as a Software Engineer, Back-end Engineer, or Data Analyst. Some of my interests in the CS field are Data Visualizations, Databases, and Backend.
Some fun facts about myself are that I was born in Miami, Florida. I am half-Puerto Rican and half-Venezuelan. My hobbies are photography/filmmaking, editing, animating, playing video games (on my PC 💻), and bartending. Also, I am currently learning Japanese as my third language.
Email Me
alegar920@gmail.comView my Github
github.com/Alegar917View my Linkedin
linkedin.com/alegar917View My Resume
Adobe Creative Suite
My Work
Experts To Learn From
A site where users can browse/submit experts in different categories and rank them by rating in order to find the best people to learn from in a given subject
Does History Repeat Itself ?
A visualization that showcase the trend of NYT U.S news article
The Crucible
A sanbox environment to train AI and allow users to play an online game of tag
Interactive Visualizations
A faculty research project that explores ways of creating a more reciprocal and user-friendly interactive bar chart app
Search Engine
A Java-based search engine that can process user input queries in-memory and output ranking based results on a web page
2019 SF Eviction Notices
A visualization that showcase the highest cause of evictions per neighborhoods in SF and the type of evictions in 2019